Mohana Mahesh
4 min readMar 14, 2021

Inspirations make the world a better place

Inspirations are something which is found in every nook and corner of the world. Everyone has their own inspiration in life. From father’s hard work to mother’s unconditional love. From granny’s kindness to grandpa’s warmth. From friends unconditional support to many more. It could be anything or anyone that influences us to do something great, something that forces us to let out the beast within. The harder we work for something, the greater we will be. And I think inspirations are just the push we need. There are a lot of people out there who are big and famous, people who have achieved great things in life, people who made themselves known to the world by their dedication and talent. And suddenly we get this feeling of motivation, to be something great like them, but it just stays there as dreams and hopes which will never be achieved because we think that we aren’t capable of something so great. What we fail to realize is that, all those people did not just go to the place they are in right now without nothing. They have faced so many failures, so many criticisms, so many ‘ you will never be enough’, so many downs more than ups.

Have you ever thought about life differently? That maybe inspirations aren’t only from places that are rich. Inspirations don’t just lie in popularity and stars. They also exist in the most simple and unexpected places. What about this one person who you see everyday, who comes to pick up the trash that you left behind. In a world where we are so uncomfortable with washing our own plates after the food we eat, what about the people who touch your garbage can which is filled to the brim with the grossest things that one can never imagine. They do it despite how hard of a job that is because they are determined to earn a wage, a wage that is barely sufficient to take care of the whole family, but they still do it anyway because every penny counts to them, it all matters. What about this person who goes deep into a dug hole which is completely dark just to clear the drainage? Can you even imagine being down there without puking your guts out? But they still do it anyway. ‘If it wasn’t hard everyone would do it. It’s the hard that makes it great. How hard you work matters than how much you make’.

Inspirations don’t mean that you have to follow every step the same as the person who inspired you. You include your own blend and your own twists. One should never back out from the journey to the oblivion, no matter what difficulties are thrown towards you. Live life to the fullest, get inspired by everything which surrounds you. Inspirations exist in the smiles given by mere strangers on the road, they exist in the blooming of a flower, they exist in the rhythms of rainfall, from a disappointment, a failure, a raging storm, a battle and what not. But even if thousands of inspirations are out there , we will always be our biggest inspiration because we made it so far in life and we know ourselves the best. It’s a sweet life, look around and make people smile. Be an inspiration to someone one day, you’ll reach heights. Always surround yourself with people who push you harder and for the better.

We will often battle with our nightmares but we face it instead of running away from it like a coward. People will throw hate comments but that only means one thing, they are jealous of you. If you fall down pick yourself up and dust yourself off and keep moving. Be optimistic, have faith, respect people, always do what you love, heal those who are hurt and most importantly be true to yourself. Don’t give up on your dreams at any cost, make time for people and help those who are in need.

‘Be the change you wish to see in the world’. Dream big. Never give up. Be grateful for all that you have. ‘Be inspired to inspire others’. Don’t let your doubts creep in like monsters. Life is too short to worry about unimportant things. Give your best and live a life that you will always remember. Inspire people everyday, be the reason behind their smile.